
 Body of a Ballerina, Mind of a Monk

Daily practices for a graceful body and peaceful mind - without needing to be an actual Ballerina, or Monk!

Did you ever dream of being a ballerina when you were a child? 


Maybe you took ballet classes and in the beginning it was all fairies and tutus and fun. But then it started getting serious and stopped being fun.

You may have had a critical teacher, who didn't give you any encouragement and made you feel you weren't suited to being a ballerina and so you gave up on those dreams ...Or you never had the opportunity to take ballet classes but have always admired the grace and beauty of watching ballet dancers.

 As an adult you still feel those childhood dreams of being a ballerina when you hear beautiful classical music, but you have so many reasons why you couldn't possibly attend a class now… 

Beliefs like...


I'm too old...    I’m too rusty and out of practice...   I'm not fit enough...

I'm not flexible enough...   It looks like it would be too difficult for me...  

I'm just afraid I will embarrass myself if I sign up for a class...

These are all self-limiting beliefs that hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest.

If you loved moving your body when you danced as a child and felt a sense of freedom, creativity, passion, joy and happiness, then there is no reason why you can't experience all those feelings again as an adult.

Right now, you may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious.

At a time in history when you've never had more information at your fingertips there is a need for simplicity and for finding things that are easy to integrate into your life. That is why I created...

It was that desire for removing the complexity and creating something that could bring you clarity and peace, while also being uplifting and creative.

The Chi-Ballet Mini-Course is a three week journey which will help you build healthy habits that can help you change your life. If you'd like a taster of what's included, download my FREE 'Finding your Zen' eBook.

Help me find my Zen

Charlie Plunkett is a Joyful Being who leaves a trail of happiness in her wake… I have learnt to dance ballet with her and subsequently EFT (emotional freedom technique)

Both have enriched my life beyond measure… in Chi-Ballet she has taken the best of both worlds and magically created a fun and easily accessible shortcut to happiness…….

My advice is; Don’t waste time thinking about it just open your heart and mind and dive right in ❣️

Kate Buckman

Body of a Ballerina

Chi-Ballet is a fitness methodology based on the graceful and artistic movements found in Ballet dance. Combined with the healing movement practice of Qigong and of using Chi-energy to heal the body, mind and soul


Mind of a Monk

Chi-Ballet includes the monk-like practices of meditation, gratitude and positive affirmations. Journaling, creating healthy habits and EFT (a self-help tool you may know as Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping).


I'm ready to get started

I understand how you feel

... because I was that little girl who dreamed of being a ballerina and who had the most terrifying ballet teacher, who criticised me constantly. At times it was hard but that love of ballet never left me and I did pursue a career as a professional ballet dancer. All along my journey not only was my body physically tested, ballet training is  rigorous, and a lot of discipline is required, but also mentally. I faced judgement from my teachers, audience and other dancers, as well as my own thoughts as I stood before the studio mirror for hours seeking ballet perfection.

Why am I telling you all this?

To paint the picture of how things were, and to be honest I wouldn't change a thing because these experiences have all helped form the person I am today. But along the way I have gained so much knowledge and insight into how mindset plays such an important role in having a balanced, peaceful and happy life.

Because ultimately that's all we want, to be happy in all the areas of our life...

For over thirty years I have taught ballet to adults and children of all ages and abilities, with the ethos at the very heart of it being that we dance for the love of it, to feel like ballerinas rather than being ballerinas.
If you had the choice right now to BE a ballerina, or to FEEL like one I think I know which you would choose. Whilst those childhood dreams of being a professional ballerina were magical the reality is a life of dedication to an art that requires extreme levels of self-discipline and devotion. This often comes at the cost of not having the family life, financial security and other benefits that you have as a non-ballerina.

However, if I said to you that you could...

Feel like a ballerina whenever you wanted

Improve your posture and flexibility

and become more graceful and elegant in your body

Wouldn't that be something that would have your heart soaring with the possibilities?

In my twenties and thirties, I struggled with stress and anxiety and went on a quest to find anything I could to help release those negative emotions and become the happy, carefree person I knew I was intended to be.

I spent years searching for tools to help reduce the stress in my life and found some incredible techniques that I have incorporated into...


They make up the mindful practices of the Monk side of the course and include... Qigong, showing Gratitude, Journaling, setting Habits and EFT (a self-help tool you may know as Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping).

The best part is that all these tools I share work, they worked for me, and they have worked for my students, and you don't have to spend the years that I did searching because I have brought them all together in one place for you to use and to have for ever.

Introducing the  Chi-Ballet  Mini-Course


Chi-Ballet is a blend of Qigong, Ballet and Mindfulness. Qigong being a Mind, Body, Spirt, practice of exercise that uses movement to increase energy and to heal the body.  Ballet is a graceful art form that involves the use of your entire body to create beautiful lines and increases flexibility, mobility and strength in the body. The mindful practices include showing Gratitude, Journaling, setting Habits and EFT (a self-help tool you may know as Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping).

Wendy Reynolds

"Charlie introduced me to Chi-Ballet, a healthy mix of Buddhist thinking, Cognitive clarity and the grace of  ballet exercise. I was an eager participant on Charlie’s course, I am now a teacher and my heartfelt thanks goes to the lovely Charlie Plunkett, whose creative vision in connecting peace, love and harmony has enabled me to look up and see beyond the light, challenge my demons and change my thought processes with inner harmony, abundance and the biggest change of all CLARITY."

Let's get started


Picture how your life would be if you could cultivate habits that support your goals and dreams.

  • Waking up each day feeling full of gratitude.
  • Having crystal clear clarity on what it is that you desire for your life and what you need to do to achieve it.
  • Having a body that is full of radiant health and vitality that you nourish with mindful daily practices that are easy to do. 
  • Going to sleep each night quickly and easily.


Imagine how having more energy would enhance your life.

  • Increased vitality and enthusiasm.
  • Ability to create your own healing vibration. 
  • More energy for your family and loved ones.
  • More creativity, inspiration and productivity in your work and pastimes.
  • Feeling at ease in your body, gaining strength and flexibility.


Visualise yourself achieving your goals and knowing you have all the best Mindset tools to help you.

  • Choosing how you want to show up in the world each day.
  • Being your own Superhero.
  • Having a Mindset Toolbox at your fingertips, to help you reduce stress and anxiety and bring more grace, peace and clarity into your life.
  • Feeling balanced  and ready to dance through life.
  • Growing, learning and gaining more capabilities.

Chi-Ballet Mini Course


When you enroll you will get immediate access to the course with a welcome video and introduction from me. Your course starts the following day and you will receive...

  • Your BONUS Printable Gratitude Journal.
  • Your BONUS Printable Playbook
  • Content including videos, tasks and exercises that unlocks each week over the course of 3 weeks helping you to progress step by step on your journey
  • Lifetime access to the course - revisit any time you're in need of a refresher
  • Lifetime access to the BBF community - a welcoming, private group for everyone who has signed up to a BBF membership or course.
  • In the BBF community I am available to answer any questions you have along the journey, and I share regular updates and mindful activities to support you during and after you've completed the course.
Yes please! Sign me up

What students of Chi-Ballet are saying...


"At 62 I joined Charlie's ballet classes as a way of keeping fit through dance and music. I last did ballet as a schoolgirl. Self-conscious at first, I soon relaxed with Charlie’s welcoming style and was absorbed by her enthusiastic energy and imagination.
When Charlie launched the unique concept of Chi ballet I completed her excellent course on this and find it a useful daily movement and meditation that complements my ongoing ballet classes with her." 

Annie Smedley

I can't wait for you to experience it for yourself...